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Angular 6 Interview Questions and Answers | A Complete Guide Book

» Preparing for an Interview is not less than a challenge so “Are you preparing for Angular Interview? Buy this book (Including Version 7, 6, 5,4, 2)”  to clear your interview hassle free.

Fundamental Concepts of Angular

What Is Angular?What's New In Angular 6?
What Are Differences Between Angular 6 and Angular 5?What Is Architecture Overview of Angular?
What Is a Template Reference Variable? What Is Bootstrapping in Angular?

Angular 6 Components

What Are Components? What Is an Entry Component?
When do I add components to entryComponents? Why does Angular need an EntryComponents?

Angular 6 Modules

What Is Modules? What are the @NgModule Metadata Properties?
Why use multiple NgModules? What Are the Purpose of @NgModule?
What Types of @NgModules? What Is Feature Modules? What Are the Types of Feature Modules?
Why you use BrowserModule, CommonModule, FormsModule, RouterModule, and HttpClientModule? What are the differences in NgModules and JavaScript Modules?

Angular 6 Elements

What's Angular Elements? How to Create a Custom Angular Elements? What Is Modular View Engine Architecture?

Angular 6 Directives and Decorators

What Is Angular Directives? What Are Angular Decorators?
What are the differences between @Component and @Directive? How to Create Custom Directives?

Angular 6 Compiler and Ivy Renderer

What Is Compiler? Why we need compilation? What Is the difference between JIT compiler and AOT compiler?
What is Ivy Renderer? What Angular is doing with Bazel Compiler?

Angular 6 Dependency Injection (DI)

What Is Dependency Injection (DI)? What Is Injectors?
What Are @Injectable providers? What Is Injector tree? What Is Injector bubbling?

Angular Services

What Is Angular Services? How to Setup and Create Angular Services?
What Is Angular Singleton Service?

Angular Pipes

What Is Pipe Decorator? What Is Pipe? Why use Pipes?
What Is PipeTransform interface? What Is Impure Pipe?
What Is Pure Pipe? What Are Inbuilt Pipes?
What Is Parameterizing Pipe? What Is Chaining Pipe?

Angular Routing and Navigation

What Is Routing and Navigation in Angular? What is Angular Router and Router module?
What is Routes and Route Properties? How Angular Router Works?
What Is Angular base Elements? How to Append Base URL to HTTP requests in Angular?
What Is PathLocationStrategy? What Is HashLocationStrategy?
What Is Router imports? How to configure Angular routes?
What Is Router outlet? Is it possible to have a multiple router-outlet in the same template?
What Is Angular Router link? What Is RouterLinkActive in Angular?
What Is RouterState in Routers? What Is ActivatedRoute in Routes?
What Is Router events in Angular? Routing and Navigation FAQs

Angular HttpClient

What Is HttpClient in Angular? What Is Angular HttpInterceptor?
What’s the difference between HTTP and HttpClient? HttpModule vs HttpClientModule
What Are Angular HttpHeaders? How to set a custom header on the request?
How to catch and log specific Angular errors in your app? How to Create a Custom ErrorHandler?

Form, Template, and Validations

What Are Validator functions - Async and Sync Validators? What Is a Template Reference variable?
How to bind to user input events to component event handlers? How to get user input from the $event object?
How to get user input from a template reference variable? How to Create Custom Form Validations in Angular?

Angular Cookies

What Is Angular Cookie? How to Install cookies in Angular?
What are the cookies methods? What are the Advantages of Token-Based Authentication?

Angular Interview Questions

Angular 7 Interview QuestionsAngular 6 Interview Questions
Angular 5 Interview QuestionsAngular 4 Interview Questions and Answers
Angular 2 Interview QuestionsAngularJs Interview Questions and Answers
TypeScript Interview QuestionsJavaScript Interview Questions and Answers

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By Anil Singh | Rating of this article (*****)

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