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.NET Core Interview Questions and Answers

What Is .NET Core?
The .NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform that runs on Windows, macOS and Linux developed by Microsoft. It also supports almost all things that .NET supported.

The .NET Core is higher performance, quick leaner, and lots of improvements of .NET
The .NET Core provides .net CLI (Command Line Interface)
The .NET Run-time provides a type system, assembly loading, a garbage collector, native interop and other basic services.
The Key points of .NET Core are:
1.      Open source
2.      Cross-platform
3.      Flexible deployment
4.      CLI - Command-line tools
5.      Compatible

What Are Technologies Discontinued in .NET Core?
1.      Reflection
2.      Remoting
3.      Sandboxing
4.      Binary serialization
5.      App-domain

What Is ASP.NET Core?
ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform, high-performance, open-source framework for building modern, cloud-based, Internet-connected applications and developed by Microsoft.

ASP.NET Core is a Cloud ready environment, light-weight, modular framework that runs on both the full .NET Framework, on Windows, and the cross-platform .NET Core.

What's new in ASP.NET Core 2?
1.      Razor Pages - It is a new feature of ASP.NET Core that makes coding page-focused scenarios easier and more productive.
2.      SignalR
3.      For SPA based templates now support Angular 6+
4.      Identity UI library & scaffolding
5.      Open API Analyzers & Conventions
6.      Endpoint routing is introduced and takes care of several routing problems
7.      DbContext Pooling with Entity Framework Core 2
8.      Automatic use of anti-forgery tokens
9.      Validation performance
10. Simplified Application Host Configuration
11. IIS in-process hosting
12. Configuration is now part of DI and ready for the time server reaches Startup class
13. Simplified authentication model
14. Health checks framework is integrated now to monitor health of APIs and apps
15. dot net new now restore NuGet packages automatically
16. New meta package – Microsoft.AspNetCore.All
17. Integration tests

What's new in .NET Core 3.0?
This article describes what is new in .NET Core 3.0.
1.      .NET Core 3.0 adds support for C# 8.0
2.      .NET Core will now build executables by default. This is new for applications that use a globally installed version of .NET Core.
3.      Side-by-side versions of .NET that support WinForms and WPF – This one is the biggest enhancements to support Windows desktop applications.
4.      .NET build now copies NuGet dependencies for your application from the NuGet cache to the build output folder. Previously, dependencies were only copied as part of dotnet publish.
5.      Embed .NET directly into an application
6.      Take advantage of .NET Core features
7.      Fast built-in JSON support
8.      Modern browser and modern media controls
9.      Access to touch and UWP Controls
10. High DPI improvements
11. Async streams
12. Cryptography support has been added for AES-GCM and AES-CCM ciphers, implemented via System.Security.Cryptography.AesGcm and System.Security.Cryptography.AesCcm.

What We can Do with ASP.NET Core?
1.      We can build web apps and services, IoT apps, and mobile backends using our favorite development tools like Windows, macOS, and Linux.
2.      We can deploy this app on cloud or on-premises.
3.      These apps can run on both .NET Core or .NET Framework.

What Are the benefits of ASP.NET Core?
Why Use ASP.NET Core?
1.      It Is open-source
2.      A cloud-ready, lightweight, high-performance
3.      Integration of modern, client-side frameworks and development workflows
4.      Ability to host on IIS, Nginx, Apache, Docker, or self-host in your own process
5.      Architected for testability
6.      It can handle many requests

What Are the Main Characteristics of ASP.NET Core?
Cross-platform and super fast
Dependency Injection (DI) Container which is quite simple and built-in
There is no web.config - now using appsettings.json file
There is no Global.asax - Now using Startup.cs
Kestrel - Kestrel is a cross-platform web server built for ASP.NET Core based on libuv – a cross-platform asynchronous I/O library
Fully Async Pipeline
Extensible strongly typed configuration, which can also be used to reload at run-time.

Can ASP.NET Core work with the .NET framework?
Yes! We can do the same. It is officially supported by Microsoft.
By Anil Singh | Rating of this article (*****)

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