B Built-in control flow and the
NgIf, NgSwitch and NgFor structural directives:
The @if block
replaces *ngIf for expressing conditional parts of the UI.
The @switch
block replaces ngSwitch with major benefits.
The @for
block replaces *ngFor for iteration, and has several differences compared to
its structural directive NgFor predecessor.
The track
setting replaces NgFor's concept of a trackBy function.
New Control Flow in Templates - new @if, @switch, @for, @case, @empty @end control flow syntax:
Before Angular 17: Let’s look at a one-by-one comparison with *ngIf:
<div *ngIf="loggedIn; else guestUser">
The user is logged in to the application
<ng-template #guestUser>
The user is not logged in to the application
From Angular 17: The built-in if-else statements, this @if @else blocks conditionals looks like:
The @if block conditionally displays its content when its condition expression is true.
Let's see the example, here ‘a’ and ‘b’
are two of the variables that are used in the conditionals @if block.
@if (a > b) {
{{a}} is greater than {{b}}
The @if block might have one or more associated @else blocks. Immediately after an @if block, you can optionally specify any number of @else if blocks and one @else block:
@if (a > b) {
{{a}} is greater than {{b}
} @else if (b > a) {
{{a}} is less than {{b}}
} @else {
{{a}} is equal to {{b}}
the conditional expression's result:
@if (users$ | async; as users) {
{{ users.length }}
See another example,
@if (loggedIn) {
The user is logged in to the application
} @else {
The user is not logged in to the application