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5 Practical Tips and Tricks for Secure Container Deployment

Containerization adoption is spreading fast across industries and is set to accelerate more rapidly by the year 2022. Most enterprises are ditching their existing monoliths in favor of container-based stacks as it offers a way of packaging applications in an easily portable, software-defined environment.

When coupled with an orchestration tool, such as Kubernetes Security or Docker Swarm, application containerization also offers other benefits, including low cost of infrastructure operations, flexible routing between services, and scaling solutions on the micro-service level.

As with any other technological advancement in application development, containerization brings up another set of security challenges for the IT department to take care of. Emerging container security risks mainly include kernel-level threats, which amplify any existing vulnerabilities.

However, most of these risks can be reduced significantly if managed early during the deployment process. In that case, let's explore several key tips and tricks that boost container security when baked into the deployment phase.

Practical Steps for Secure Container Deployment

1. Manage privilege flags

The privilege mode is among the most useful features in Docker containerization. At the most basic level, this mode makes running Docker inside Docker a possibility by giving the containers the host machine's capabilities.

The paradigm of allowing containers to have all the host machine capabilities is similar to giving unrestricted administrative powers to all server users. It's well established that that is not always a good security practice.

There are instances where a particular container will need direct hardware access or additional privileges to perform its task. However, privileged containers are not recommended for the safety of your architecture.

While containers have undeniable application security benefits over VMs, flagging a container to have extra privileges makes it a possible attack vector by itself. If the privileged container is misconfigured, it becomes an easy avenue for hackers to attack and spread malicious code.

Docker containers are unprivileged by default- and it's recommendable to let them remain so. Instead of giving them unrestricted access to the host, you should consider allowing granular access and capabilities within the container environment.

2. Deploy static analysis and unit testing tool in your containers

Developers are under pressure to deliver quality projects on a timely basis while meeting coding and compliance standards. While containerization offers fast and efficient performance, mistakes have to be avoided as much as possible. That's why a static code analysis tool should be at the heart of any container-based project.

A static analysis tool is a method of automatically examining a container source code before running the program. This analysis is performed in the early development stages or the "create" phase for organizations that practice DevOps.

One of the major benefits of static code analysis is that it gets you early feedback on your progress. It gives you timely insights on every completed piece of functionality, letting you know whether there's any flaw that could lead to security vulnerability or crashing.

3. Set container resource limits

You're not required to set resource limits for your containers by default. However, this is a critical safety practice, especially if you're running your containers on a host or an orchestration platform like Kubernetes.

If you don't set up limits for your containers, they may end up utilizing all the available resources on the host, including CPU, RAM, and I/O. When that happens, the host may kill kernel processes due to low memory. This causes a loophole that malicious attackers may use to infiltrate and bring down apps.

If the machine is hosting multiple containers, it's advisable to specify how much RAM and CPU each container can access. In case the specified memory runs out, it's that particular container that shuts down. While you don't want any of your containers to shut down, at least you're assured that the host won't run out of memory and cause multiple containers to crash.

4. Mind third-party image safety

When you're pulling containers from public repositories, you're simply trusting a third party with your entire project's security. The problem is that you aren't sure whether the original authors were intentional about the security of the containers.

Additionally, there's the risk of not detecting any corrupt file in the container before it's too late. That's why it's hard to emphasize enough the need to use trustworthy images only.

One surefire way of getting trustworthy images is using a paid service, such as Docker Hub paid plan. This service should give you confidence that the images you're pulling have been scanned for safety and won't increase your attack surface.

Another worthy recommendation is to consider popular official images, including Python, Ubuntu, Redis, Alpine, and Busybox. Docker says that it sponsors a team of security experts and upstream software maintainers to ensure these images' security and reliability.

5. Keep your secrets safe

So far, you've managed container privileges, deployed static analysis, and ensured the safety of your images. The next major consideration is to keep your sensitive information a secret.

In containerization, any secret value, such as API keys, passwords, and access tokens, will eventually get into the container in one of two ways. First, you could embed the secret in the code itself. Secondly, you could build and define it in the container image using Docker.

The problem with these methods is that anyone can access the secret value, which is a bad idea. The second reason why you shouldn't embed your secret value into the container image is that it makes future changes on the secrets somewhat complicated and complex. For instance, should you want to change the password, you'd need to rebuild or re-deploy the entire code.

The safest method of passing secrets to your container is using the value mount approach. In this technique, the container reads the secret value it requires from a file in another location. Kubernetes and other container orchestration tools have built-in secret value storage for this purpose. If you're building your project on cloud services, such as Google GCP, Amazon AWS, or Azure, there is an option to create an encrypted storage component to hold your secrets.


By Anil Singh | Rating of this article (*****)

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