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A Step-by-Step Guide To Installing iTunes In 2019

Even though iTunes is officially no longer supported by Apple, it doesn't mean that there is no way to use the popular platform. Sure, now it would be impossible to purchase tracks directly to your iTunes library - nevertheless, you can still use the platform to organize your media, create a playlist, and make backup copies.

Windows users don’t have to feel left out. Even though there are multiple media platforms for Windows, iTunes still somehow holds a firm competition. The good news, you don’t have to give it up. We’ll walk you through the process of iTunes installation that wouldn’t require an official iTunes version.

Reasons to use iTunes on a Windows PC

      iTunes is a multifunctional media manager that supports audio, video, podcasts, audiobooks - various multimedia content and supports popular file extensions.
      An easy way t synchronize music and video n your iPhone, iPad, and iPod with your PC.
      A comfortable playlist system.
      It’s easy to transfer files directly from CDs - and on top of that, the program offers a seamless conversion.
      Clear interface and rich functionality.
      iTunes can be used for file backup - create emergency copies of all music and videos. Shall something happen to your device, you’ll be able to access the data directly from the iTunes profile.

Step #1 - Download

Now that iTunes is no longer officially supported by Apple, you have no choice but to use third-party software libraries. Don’t feel sorry about it though - downloading files from catalogs has multiple advantages.

Why download iTunes from unofficial repositories?
      Trustworthy third-party libraries check added files on the absence of viruses, so in terms of security you are no worse than you would’ve been with an official tool;
      You’ll get a custom iTunes for Windows with the installer that’s adapted to Windows PCs;
      It’s free.

Step #2 - Choosing the next step

By default, Windows opens a dialogue window with a question whether you prefer to save the file or run it right away. If you choose the latter, you’ll be immediately redirected to the installer tool. By saving first, you delay the installation process - a fitting choice if you don’t have time.
A valuable tip: all saved software files are usually saved in a ‘Downloads’ folder, in the C drive.


Whatever option you chose between the two, you’ll have to face the installation process sooner than later. Luckily, it’s quite fast and straightforward. Still, there are some potentially critical settings parameters that you need to take into account - we’ll walk you through the main points.

Step #3 - Start the installation

1.     Open the installer program and agree to begin the process of installation.
2.     Agree to iTunes terms and conditions. Some installers from third-party libraries don’t have strict guideline requirements, but most do.
3.     Continue the installation by pressing ‘Next’ and ‘Continue.’

Step #4 - Managing installation settings

iTunes has a brief list of installation options, which makes it even easier for us to go through the main ones in detail.

      Adding software’s shortcuts to desktop - this option puts QuickTime and iTunes icon on the desktop lower panel for quick access.
      Use iTunes as a default player for audio - with this one, all your MP3, WAV, AAV, and other audio formats will be automatically accessed via iTunes;
      Software’s language - by default, it’s English (if, of course, you didn’t use a foreign installer). Here you can change the menu language, choosing one from dozens of options.
      Choosing a destination folder. Here you can determine the location where iTunes and all supported files will be saved by default. You can edit this anytime but its best to pick a comfortable folder right away.
      Approve all chosen settings by clicking ‘Install’.

Step #5 - Completing the installations

Once the settings have been determined, the software will conclude its installation. The progress bar on the main screen will notify you about the remaining data load. When iTunes is fully installed, simply click ‘Finish’.

To get the program to work properly, you have to restart your PC. No, you can’t skip this stage - otherwise, your audio files will not be displayed correctly.

Importing disks and audio files

Step #6 - Importing CDs

Go to iTunes and pick the ‘Import’ tab. Now, you have to insert your CDs to your PC one by one, and copy each of them to the program. If you already have the data from CDs saved on your PC, good for you - it means you can transfer them to iTunes as regular media files. This way is much faster and easier.
Conversion formats
All converted CD files will be automatically transformed into MP3 or AAV formats. You can choose one of these in the settings.

Step #7 - Making an iTunes account

To manage your media files from different devices and to create personalized playlists ( and using dozens of other account-based features), you need to create a profile. On profile-connected storage, you’ll be able to access audio files, movies, TV shows, apps, podcasts, and audiobooks.

However, seeing that official iTunes support is now disabled, it'll be impossible to buy content directly to your iTunes profile. However, you still can find a loophole. The iTunes store will remain supported, but now you need to transfer files from Apple Music, Podcasts, and TV apps to your iTunes manager.

How to create a profile?
1.     Go to iTunes and select ‘Create an Apple ID’ in the main menu.

2.     Fill out the registration form with your necessary account information - a valid email, birth date, password, and security questions.
3.     Agree or decline the offer of receiving an Apple newsletter.
4.     Activate your account via email.
5.     Fill out payment information. You most likely will never have to use your credit card number at this point, but it will still be required to complete the registration. To make sure the software will be unable to charge you, edit the card limit.

Step #8 - Synchronizing iPhone

      Use USB to connect your iPad, iPod, or iPhone to your Windows PC.
      Find the device button in the menu in the top-left panel.
      Pick the Music tab in the left section of the menu.

      Click a checkbox near a Sync Music - this way, your musical playlists, and CDs will be available on all connected devices.

      Do the same process for Photos, TV Shows, and Movies.

The final step

Now that you’ve downloaded and installed the program, you can start exploring its functionality, interface, and benefits. We advise to pay attention to personalization features - iTunes is great at predicting your listening and watching preferences, creating specific playlists, and guessing your media habits. These personalization features are most often unique (that is, utterly unavailable on other similar managers) and therefore, you can’t just ignore all this additional functionality.

Sure, the fact that Apple no longer supports iTunes makes all interactions less versatile and smooth. You can’t purchase content; there will be no technical support; you need to use third-party repositories and forums for every sing action. Still, these difficulties are not the reason enough to refuse all that iTunes has to offer.
By Anil Singh | Rating of this article (*****)

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