In this post, we are going to learn how we can convert an object into JSON string in c#.
Let's explore the below examples -
Use the quickest method of converting between JSON and.NET object is using.Net Inbuilt class JsonSerializer. High performance, faster than .NET's built-in JSON serializes -
System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer jsSerializerObj = new JavaScriptSerializer();
User = new User
ID ="100023",
Age ="29",
FirstName = "Anil",
LastName = "Singh"
string json = jsSerializerObj.Serialize(User);
Use Newtonsoft Json Convert - It allows you to create an object, populate the fields, and serialize as JSON -
var jsonString = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(User);
I hope you enjoy this post.