B Built-in control flow and the
NgIf, NgSwitch and NgFor structural directives:
The @if block
replaces *ngIf for expressing conditional parts of the UI.
The @switch
block replaces ngSwitch with major benefits.
The @for
block replaces *ngFor for iteration, and has several differences compared to
its structural directive NgFor predecessor.
The track
setting replaces NgFor's concept of a trackBy function.
The improved ergonomics is even more visible with *ngSwitch:
The new control flow enables significantly better type-narrowing in the individual branches in @switch, which is impossible in *ngSwitch.
Before Angular 17,
<div [ngSwitch]="accessLevel">
<admin-dashboard *ngSwitchCase="admin"/>
<moderator-dashboard *ngSwitchCase="moderator"/>
<user-dashboard *ngSwitchDefault/>
From Angular 17:
Which with the built-in control flow turns into the @switch block - selection
The syntax for @switch is very similar to @if statement. See what the basic looks like:
(condition) {
@case (caseA) {
Case A.
@case (caseB) {
Case B.
@default {
Default case.
The value of the conditional expression is compared to the
case expression using the === operator.
The @switch does not have fall through, so you do not need
an equivalent to a break or return statement.
The @default block is optional and can be omitted. If no
@case matches the expression and there is no @default block, nothing is shown.
See the example with Access Level:
@switch (accessLevel) {
@case ('admin') { <admin-dashboard/> }
@case ('moderator') { <moderator-dashboard/> }
@default { <user-dashboard/> }