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Making your data work for you: a short guide

 We deal with different data every day. Its amounts are so large that you can easily get confused. The reason people generate data and rely on it is straightforward. It helps us figure out users’ behavior, interests, and preferences. Not only that, data can help you promote your product or service, tackling it to the target audience.

However, while collecting data is often manageable for many people, processing and comprehending it is easier said than done. For instance, those studying programming or working in the field use different languages to analyze data, such as Python, C#, Javascript, etc. Of course, when something is unclear, they can get programming homework help from services like assignmentshark.

But what if coding is not your cup of tea? Does it mean you are doomed to fail to understand data at all? I am excited to tell you that you can make your data work for you without being a programming guru. Below I have put together a list of comprehensive tips to help you understand and employ your data.

In addition to the aforementioned tools, Power BI paginated reports provide another accessible option for individuals who are not well-versed in programming languages. Leveraging the capabilities of Report Builder, users can create detailed, Power BI paginated reports that cater to specific layout requirements, such as invoices or sales reports. The user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop functionality make it easy to design and customize reports, even for those without a technical background. This allows anyone to analyze and present their data in a professional and visually appealing format, further expanding the range of tools available to non-programmers.

Using the right set of tools

Normally, I would suggest using Python when dealing with data. Why? Compared to other programming languages, this one is the easiest to learn. It provides accurate outputs, so you will have precise outcomes whatever data you use. Besides, having even rudimentary skills in Python would give you plenty of credit when looking for a job or being evaluated by an employer.

But that’s beside the point. Let’s focus on more down-to-earth tools everyone can use. If you have a web page and want to analyze the data it produces, setting up Google Analytics (GA) is the easiest way to do that. The tool will provide everything you need to know, e.g., where your traffic comes from, what generates the most traffic, how visitors interact with your page, etc.

Apart from GA, I recommend using apps like MonkeyLearn, Power BI, Tableau, and ClicData. These all do not require knowing any programming language, so I hope they will prove helpful. And finally, you can always use Excel and its robust analysis formulas to come up with insightful results of your data.

Exercise auditing your data

Taking a step back and checking your website’s past activity can be handy. By auditing it, you can learn your company’s strengths and weaknesses, what should be improved, and what needs to be excluded. Depending on your web page, you may use various tools to pull data. The following services can help you extract some data chunks and learn them from top to bottom:

      Backend approach: There are plenty of services that offer analytics on the backend. Although used less often, analyzing data on the backend can be revealing.

      CRM: Aside from managing customers or sales, CRM is a powerful tool to gather and process data.

      Google My Business: GMB is an excellent tool to analyze data coming from various sources, like Google searches, users’ interactions, and much more.

Build up a multifaceted team

Using a set of tools to mine data and make use of it is vitally important. But without a multiskilled crew, you are unlikely to come to practical conclusions. As McKinsey professionals have once said, analytics is a team sport. You can use all the best and most expensive analytics tools existing out there. But at the end of the day, it is human judgment that makes every decision.

Assembling a powerful team isn’t a walk in the park. Of all the tips listed here, it is the most challenging to bring to life. But when it comes to results, a skilled team will work wonders; that’s beyond any doubt. So, make sure to be patient, cool-headed, and open-minded when building a team. It may be time-consuming, but upon succeeding in that, the results will outstrip the expectations.

Employ the OODA loop

Last but not least, try the OODA loop to understand your data better and use it more successfully. The abbreviation stands for observe, orient, decide, and act. This series of actions can ultimately lead to significant repercussions. Here is what I mean. Once you complete the first OODA loop and document its results, provide feedback. Then step away from it and return after a while. Again give feedback and redo the OODA loop. This will help you understand the data and raise your website’s performance in the long run.

By Anil Singh | Rating of this article (*****)

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