What Is Yii framework?
The Yii
is a pure OOP based framework, free, open source, high-performance,
component-based PHP framework for rapidly developing modern Web
Applications and the name Yii is
pronounced as Yee or [ji:]) means "simple and evolutionary" in
The Yii framework is written in PHP and the stable release is at March 21, 2018.
The Yii framework is a PHP framework for rapidly-developing, modern Web applications.
The Yii framework is written in PHP and the stable release is at March 21, 2018.
The Yii framework is a PHP framework for rapidly-developing, modern Web applications.
What's New in Yii Release 2.0?
The Yii 2.0 framework
support for PSR-4 class auto loading, simpler namespaces, faster loading, and
improved usability for developers.
The Yii 2.0 framework
added performance and security improvements.
The Yii 2.0 framework
added RESTful API integration.
The Yii 2.0 framework
added improvement on URL handling and processing.
Now Yii 2.0 framework,
Translations of core messages available in 26 languages.