We can split the strings in SQL Server using split identifies(_, -, |, ' ', ....). The below code-sample might help you.
Table of Contents
1. Create Function for Split Strings Using Identifier.
2. Create Procedure and call split function within procedure.
Create Function for Split Strings Using Identifier
Table of Contents
1. Create Function for Split Strings Using Identifier.
2. Create Procedure and call split function within procedure.
Create Function for Split Strings Using Identifier
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Split ( @ListItems NVARCHAR(2000), @Identifier NVARCHAR(5) ) RETURNS @RtnValue TABLE ( Id INT IDENTITY(1,1), Value NVARCHAR(100) ) AS BEGIN WHILE (CHARINDEX(@Identifier,@ListItems)>0) BEGIN INSERT INTO @RtnValue (value) SELECT Value = LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@ListItems,1,CHARINDEX(@Identifier,@ListItems)-1))) IF(@Identifier = ' ') SET @ListItems = SUBSTRING(@ListItems,CHARINDEX(@Identifier,@ListItems)+1,LEN(@ListItems)) ELSE SET @ListItems = SUBSTRING(@ListItems,CHARINDEX(@Identifier,@ListItems)+ LEN(@Identifier),LEN(@ListItems)) END INSERT INTO @RtnValue (Value)SELECT Value = LTRIM(RTRIM(@ListItems)) RETURN END
CREATE PROCEDURE GET_SPLITED_TABLE --'HandSet Data-Stand Alone-4G-5000 MB', '-' ( @ServicesList NVARCHAR(MAX), @identifier NVARCHAR(10) ) AS BEGIN SELECT Id, CONVERT(NVARCHAR(400), Value) AS Services FROM dbo.Split(@ServicesList, @identifier) END
Split Results as given below screen using '-' identifier