Hi All, I'm going to share the code sample for web api in mvc 4 using $.post() and $.getJSON() methods.
Today's, i have requirement to logging to errors using "web api in mvc 4 and jquery".
In the 1st step, code sample for $.post() and $.getJSON() methods
$.post() method
//POST() method used to post exceptions and Log too large data in the DB.
Today's, i have requirement to logging to errors using "web api in mvc 4 and jquery".
In the 1st step, code sample for $.post() and $.getJSON() methods
$.post() method
//POST() method used to post exceptions and Log too large data in the DB.
$.post(‘/ExceptionLog/Logger’, { requestUrl: logsUrl, browserInfo: browser_version,
cookiesInfo: cookies, error: errorInfo })
.done(function (data) {
.fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errMsg) {
console.log('Errors: ' + errMsg);
$.getJSON() method
//getJSON() method used to get exceptions and Log limited data in the DB.
$.getJSON(‘/ExceptionLog/Logger’, { userId: Id})
.done(function (data) {
.fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errMsg) {
console.log('Errors: ' + errMsg);
1. In the above, we used to $.post() method for post to too large data in query string.
2. In the above, we used to $.getJSON() method for post to limited data in query string.
In the 2st step, code sample for MVC 4
public class ExceptionLogController : Controller
// Used
to Insert exception logs in exception_log table.
public void Logger(string requestUrl, string browserInfo, string cookiesInfo, string error)
using (ExceptionLogDataContext dbContext = new ExceptionLogDataContext())
exception_log logger = new exception_log();
logger.exceptionTime = DateTime.Now;
logger.exceptionType = "Exception";
logger.message = "Request Url : " +
requestUrl + ", | Current Browser :
browserInfo + ", | Client Cookies
Information : " + cookiesInfo +
", | Exception Details : " + error;
logger.title = "Exception while fetching to " + requestUrl;