Hi, i'm going to share the code sample for custom bindings in knockoutjs
I have an requirement to count and display to total employees. if have more then zero employee in employee-list, count and display.
In the 1st step, code sample for view model.
In the 2nd step, code sample for view.
I have an requirement to count and display to total employees. if have more then zero employee in employee-list, count and display.
In the 1st step, code sample for view model.
<script type="text/javascript">
declare observable array
var totalEmployee = ko.observableArray([]);
employee list form search employee method.
var empList = searchEmployee();
all items in totalEmployee array collection.
if (empList !== undefined && empList.count > 0) {
$.each(empList, function (i, v) {
totalEmployee.push({ Id: v.empId,
EmpName: v.empName });
catch (e) {
insert to logg, if any.
finally { }
In the 2nd step, code sample for view.
ko if: totalEmployee -->
Total Employee(<!--ko text: totalEmployee --><!--/ko-->)
/ko -->
<!-- ko ifnot: totalEmployee -->
Total Employee(0)
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->