Hello Everyone,
I'm going to share the code sample for if bindings in knockoutjs and ifnot bindings in knockoutjs.
In the 1st step : code sample for if binding in the view
The "if" binding
I'm going to share the code sample for if bindings in knockoutjs and ifnot bindings in knockoutjs.
In the 1st step : code sample for if binding in the view
The "if" binding
<!-- ko if: totalEmployee -->
Total Employee(<!--ko text: totalEmployee --><!--/ko-->)
<!-- /ko -->
code sample for ifnot binding in the view
<!-- ko ifnot: totalEmployee -->
No Employee.
<!-- /ko -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var totalEmployee = ko.observableArray([
{ Id: "001",
type: "JEE" },
{ Id: "002",
type: "SSE" }